Onita Chavez

Tabernacle School - Concord
June 29
What I love about teaching:
The children. The reactions on their faces or body language when they understand something or when the information clicks. Teaching them about God and what conflict resolution looks like when God is the foundation. Projects fun and learning ones that are hands on. The hugs and pure love I receive from the kids. Children are funny and so honest. I enjoy listening to how they each process information and then how they retail, respond or how they interpreted what they learned.
Best teacher moment:
There are many! One would be sitting around in circle time and asking what is Christmas. Then after day two of Bible the answers were all different from day one. Loud and proud I hear JESUS!
Teaching philosophy:
To teach with God at the foundation of all things. Start the day with His word and prayer and build everything from math, science, conflict resolution, and phonics upon the strong foundation. To love and teach the children where they currently are because they are individuals with there own style of learning and understanding.
What I would like to instill in my students:
That with God all things are possible.
My story:
I was told by my computer teacher in HS I would be a teacher. I thought he was crazy and started school to become a social worker. My aunt advised me to work in a low income class so I took the advice and my life was changed. I started my family and with my third child graduated with my AS degree in ECE. I have been a substitute for JK here at Tabernacle off and on until this past year where I took a set schedule. With five very different children at home and with all the kids I have worked with I think back on my HS teacher often. Gods plan was laid out and it wasn’t what I ever imagined, however I know He is what guides me. My story will continue as I plan on going back for my BA as soon as that door is opened.
I love outdoor life. Seeing new places and walking new paths (I would say hiking however with little ones it’s more walking). Crafts with my kids especially handprint crafts. With so many allergies in my house finding organic or holistic changes to make which is so much easier now that it’s popular. Touching or visiting history. Gardening. Baking. Trying new foods.

Gift cards I love!

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